Key: DB = Dynamite Bowl winner, RU = DB runner up, MP = Most points, WD = Won their division

Brian Littleton Leering Faces of Death 940 (DB)
Josh Hundred Acre Wood Woozles 760 (RU)
Mike San Diego Anchormen 1030 (WD) (MP)
Jon Upton Knights of Labor 841 (WD)
Matt Golden Gate Battlin' Mice 841 (WD)
Cassie Uranus Probes 751 
Ken Weir Village Reasonable Men 670 
Andy River City Dawgs 670 
John Houston Canned Heat 481 
Steve North Andover Annihilators 490 
Nate Azkaban Dementors 391 
Walt Lynn Ladies' Men 391 
Chris Allston City Rockers 760 (DB)
Michael Taunton Cobra Kai 940 (RU) (WD)
Ben Gaza Strippers 931 (WD)
Jeff Raynham Jockey Club 841 (WD)
Ken Silver City Proletariat 850 (MP)
Nate Paper Street Soap Company 850 
Jeff Texas Guntoters 661 
Mark Dallas Burlers 670 
Jon Worcester Abrasives 481 
Cassie Sunnydale Slayers 481 
Keith Ontario Whizzinators 490 
Tony Martinville Island Parrotheads 2101 
Ken Weir Village Reasonable Men 1210 (DB) (WD) (MP)
Jon Upton Knights of Labor 760 (RU) (WD)
Brian Littleton Leering Faces of Death 940 (WD)
Michael Galway Gobshites 1030 
Cassie Uranus Probes 850 
Walt Malden Pimp MacDaddies 760 
Mike San Diego Anchormen 760 
Josh Hundred Acre Wood Woozles 580 
Steve North Andover Annihilators 490 
Matt Golden Gate Battlin Mice 490 
Andy River City Dawgs 490 
Nate Tokyo Evil-Natured Robots 1120 
Michael Taunton Cobra Kai 1120 (DB) (WD) (MP)
Nate Paper Street Soap Company 940 (RU) (WD)
Mark Dallas Burlers 850 (WD)
Jon Worcester Abrasives 940 
Jeff Texas Guntoters 760 
Chris Allston City Rockers 670 
Jeff Raynham Jockey Club 670 
Will Medford Highlanders 670 
Ken Silver City Proletariat 580 
Keith Bushwick Bills 580 
Cassie Sunnydale Slayers 490 
Ben Eugine Robinsons 2110 
Michael Galway Gobshites 1030 (DB) (WD) (MP)
Brian Maynard Munchkins 760 (RU)
Mike Haverhill Zombies 1030 (WD)
Walt Malden Pimp MackDaddies 850 (WD)
Ken Weir Village Reasonable Men 940 
Jon Upton Knights of Labor 850 
Steve North Andover Annihilators 670 
Ben Guam Stilted Platypii 670 
Nate Tokyo Evil-Natured Robots 580 
Andy River City Dawgs 490 
Cassie Uranus Probes 3100 
Matt Golden Gate Battlin' Mice 1120 
Cassie Sunnydale Slayers 751 (DB)
Michael Taunton Cobra Kai 940 (RU) (WD)
Nate Beantown Biodieselers 940 (WD)
Keith Bushwick Bills 841 (WD) (MP)
Chris Allston City Rockers 850 
Jeff Pembrokeshire Corgis 760 
Ken Silver City Proletariat 670 
Mark Dallas Burlers 580 
Will Medford Highlanders 580 
Jon Worcester Abrasives 580 
Jeff Texas Guntoters 490 
Ben Las Vegas Fergusons 210 
John Austin Roadkill 280 
Michael Galway Gobshites 850 (DB) (WD)
Andy River City Dawgs 940 (RU)
Mike Haverhill Zombies 1030 (WD) (MP)
Walt Malden Pimp MackDaddies 850 (WD)
Martin Redmond Monopolists 850 
Cassie Uranus Probes 670 
Ben Guam Stilted Platypii 670 
Jon Upton Knights of Labor 580 
Ken Weir Village Reasonable Men 580 
Brian Maynard Myrrh 580 
Matt Golden Gate Battlin' Mice 490 
Nate Westport Karma Police 490 
Michael Shaolin FlyingSleeves 1030 (DB) (WD)
Cassie Sunnydale Slayers 940 (RU)
Keith Bushwick Bills 1030 (WD) (MP)
Nate Beantown Biodieselers 940 (WD)
Jeff Pembrokeshire Corgis 850 
Ken Silver City Proletariat 760 
John Austin Roadkill 670 
Jon Worcester Abrasives 580 
Jeff Texas Guntoters 490 
Mark Dallas Burlers 490 
Chris Glasgow Transistor Heroes 3100 
Will Medford Highlanders 3100 
Michael Galway Gobshites 751 (DB)
Ken Weir Village Paranoid Androids 940 (RU) (WD)
Brian Quincy Quaaludes 1120 (WD) (MP)
Jon Upton Knights of Labor 760 (WD)
Nate Westport Karma Police 1030 
Cassie Uranus Probes 751 
Ben Swampscott Sasquach 661 
Martin C++ Deconstructors 580 
Mike Stankonia Funky Thangs 580 
Matt Golden Gate Battlin' Mice 490 
Andy River City Dawgs 3100 
Walt Malden Pimp MackDaddies 2101 
Jeff Texas Guntoters 1030 (DB) (WD)
Cassie Sunnydale Slayers 940 (RU) (WD)
Chris Glasgow Transistor Heroes 940 (WD) (MP)
John Austin Roadkill 940 
Ken Silver City Proletariat 760 
Nate Boise Time Traps 760 
Jon Worcester Abrasives 760 
Mark Dallas Burlers 670 
Will Medford Highlanders 490 
Michael Moosejaw Automatic Buffalo 490 
Keith Bushwick Bills 3100 
Jeff Crestwood Tigers 3100 
Michael Galway Gobshites 1030 (DB) (WD)
Martin C++ Deconstructors 940 (RU) (WD)
Nate Westport Karma Police 760 (WD)
Brian Quincy Quaaludes 940 (MP)
Jon WN Knights of Labor 850 
Cassie Uranus Probes 760 
Ken Weir Village Paranoid Androids 670 
Andy River City Dawgs 670 
Walt Malden Pimp MackDaddies 571 
Brad Tuskin Raiders 490 
Matt Mars Battlin' Mice 391 
Mike West Egg Bootleggers 3100 
Nate Boise Time Traps 1210 (DB) (WD)
Chris Glasgow Transistor Heroes 1120 (RU) (WD) (MP)
John Austin Roadkill 850 (WD)
Michael Moosejaw Men o' Militia 841 
Cassie Nashville Nutcrackers 760 
Jeff Texas Guntoters 760 
Mark Dallas Burlers 661 
Ken Vatican City Vermin 490 
Jon Worcester Abrasives 490 
Will Medford Highlanders 490 
Jeff Crestwood Tigers 3100 
Steve Earth Phoenix 3100 
Mike Taunton Taun Tauns 860 (DB) (WD)
Brian Quincy Quaaludes 1130 (RU) (WD) (MP)
Ken Weir Village Paranoid Androids 860 (WD)
Jon WN Knights of Labor 1130 
nobody Westport Autopilots 851 
Michael Galway Gobshites 770 
Nate Fall River Forty Whackers 770 
Mat Tuskin Raiders 680 
Ben Guam Stilted Platypii 581 
Matt Mars Battlin' Mice 590 
Martin C++ Deconstructors 590 
Cassie Uranus Probes 2120 
John Austin Roadkill 1130 (DB) (WD)
Chris Glasgow Transistor Heroes 1220 (RU) (WD) (MP)
Jon Worcester Abrasives 1040 (WD)
Mark Dallas Burlers 860 
Michael Moosejaw Men o' Militia 860 
Jeff Texas Guntoters 770 
Ken Vatican City Vermin 671 
Will Medford Highlanders 671 
Nate North Haverbrook Monorailers 680 
Cassie Nashville Nutcrackers 680 
Jeff Crestwood Tigers 2120 
Steve Earth Phoenix 1130 
Martin C++ Deconstructors 1130 (DB) (WD) (MP)
Jon WN Knights of Labor 950 (RU) (WD)
Ken Des Moines Paranoid Androids 860 (WD)
Matt Sunnyvale Battlin Mice 860 
Brian Quincy Quaaludes 860 
Ben Guam Stilted Platypii 770 
Jim Westport Villagers 671 
Todd Springfield Harriers 680 
Mike New York Bastards 680 
Brian Bismarck Leviathan 680 
Mark Dallas Texas Guntoting Burlers 491 
Nate New Bedford Scriveners 4100 
Mark Dallas Burlers 860 (DB)
Todd Bristol Panthers 860 (RU)
Ken Vatican City Vermin 950 (WD) (MP)
Steve Earth Phoenix 950 (WD)
Jon Worcester Abrasives 860 (WD)
Jeff Texas Guntoters 860 
John Austin Roadkill 860 
Nate Brockway Monorailers 770 
Chris Glasgow Transistor Heroes 581 
Cassie Bodaybo Blizzards 590 
John Roslindale Coupons 491 
Will Medford Highlanders 4100 
Ken Des Moines Paranoid Androids 1040 (DB)
Nate New Bedford Scriveners 1130 (RU) (WD)
Mike Kandalaksha Creep Show 1130 (WD) (MP)
Dave Ann Arbor Rapids 860 (WD)
Ben Guam Stilted Platypii 860 
Matt Sunnyvale Battlin Mice 770 
Devin Ottawa Screaming Mimis 680 
Jon WN Knights of Labor 680 
Jim Westport Villagers 680 
Tom Alaska Oil Tankers 590 
Todd Springfield Harriers 4100 
Martin Ninja City Howlers 2120 
Jon Worcester Abrasives 1220 (DB) (WD) (MP)
Mark Dallas Burlers 1040 (RU) (WD)
Ken Vatican City Vermin 1040 (WD)
Cassie Bodaybo Blizzards 1040 
Nate Perth Boxin' Kangaroos 950 
Will Medford Highlanders 860 
Jeff Texas Guntoters 680 
Steve Earth Phoenix 590 
Todd Westport Panthers 4100 
John Austin Roadkill 4100 
John Roslindale Coupons 3110 
Chris Niflheim Ice Giants 3110 
Jim Westport Villagers 860 (DB)
Jon WN Knights of Labor 1040 (RU)
Tom Alaska Oil Tankers 1220 (WD)
Nate New Bedford Scriveners 1130 (WD) (MP)
Matt North Dakota Battlin Mice 860 (WD)
Marc Walpole Convicts 770 
Ben Guam Stilted Platypii 770 
Mike Khartoum Cryptics 590 
Bill Youngstown Penguins 590 
Devin Ottawa Screaming Mimis 4100 
Martin Ninja City Howlers 4100 
Todd Springfield Harriers 3110 
Jon Worcester Abrasives 1040 (DB)
Will Medford Highlanders 1130 (RU) (WD)
Nate Perth Boxin' Kangaroos 1040 (WD) (MP)
Mark Dallas Burlers 860 (WD)
Ken Vatican City Vermin 950 
Jeff Texas Heat 860 
John Roslindale Coupons 680 
Marc Attleboro Frozen Herd 590 
Matt Mars Rumblin' Servos 590 
John Chico's Bail Bonds 590 
Steve Earth Phoenix 4100 
dunno Kansas City Concierge 280 
Chris Niflheim Ice Giants 130 
Nate New Bedford Scriveners 1220 (DB) (WD) (MP)
Jon WN Knights of Labor 950 (RU) (WD)
Matt Medford Battlin Mice 1130 (WD)
Marc Walpole Convicts 860 
Jim Westport Villagers 770 
Tom Alaska Oil Tankers 770 
Devin Ottawa Screaming Mimis 770 
Todd Springfield Harriers 680 
Bill Youngstown Penguins 680 
Chris Manitoba Mudrabbits 590 
Mike Bhopal Berzerkers 4100 
Ben Guam Stilted Platypii 2120 
Steve Earth Phoenix 680 (DB)
Will Medford Highlanders 950 (RU)
Marc Attleboro Frozen Herd 1130 (WD)
Ken Whitman Wombats 950 (WD) (MP)
Nate Perth Boxin' Kangaroos 770 
John Chico's Bail Bonds 590 
Matt Mars Rumblin' Servos 590 
Jon Worcester F'ing Peds 4100 
Jon WN Knights of Labor 860 (DB) (WD)
Tom Alaska Oil Tankers 680 (RU)
Matt Medford Battlin Mice 950 (WD)
Jim Westport Villagers 860 
Nate Salem Schmealers 761 (MP)
Todd Springfield Harriers 761 
Devin Ottawa Screaming Mimis 680 
Brian Bismarck Leviathan 4100